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clinic psychology blog

‘Worry Bear’ Tent at the 31st Annual Teddy Bears’ Picnic

By Media 2 Comments

We are greatly looking forward to hosting our very own “Worry Bear” Tent, at the 31st Annual Teddy Bears’ Picnic on the 28th of May, 2017.

This is part of our Public Mental Health Initiative, where we want to raise awareness about common mental health disorders, and give families simple tools they can use with their children as coping strategies. The tent will also provide individual consultation to families, to help guide them on the right path. Understanding anxiety is difficult, and identifying it in children is even more difficult. We are hoping to bring some more attention to this subject and hopefully answer some of these questions.

We hope to see you all there!

See the links below for the media coverage on our tent!

CBC Manitoba :

Winnipeg Free Press:

Winnipeg Free Press:

Metro News :

QX 104 FM :